Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tick, Tock, Goes the Antique Clock

Shabbyfarmer.com - Family Picture with Antique Watch
Sometimes I am doing something, when all of the sudden an idea just pops in my head.  I was on the computer and happened to look up at this picture and thought "I know of an antique watch just sitting in a pile, and some lace....".
Shabbyfarmer.com - Antique Watch

I immediately left what I was doing and got the antique watch.
Shabbyfarmer.com - Antique Key

I also noticed this antique key type thing in the same pile.  I got some lace...
Shabbyfarmer.com - Antique Watch

I threaded the lace through the antique watch and some beaded lace through the antique key like item....
Shabbyfarmer.com - Family Picture with Antique Watch

Took them and put them on this picture display I already had out.  It is a picture of the family on a foam board, which is sitting on an easel.
Shabbyfarmer.com - Family Picture with Antique Watch

The picture and easel are on an old box which has in it an antique shoe repair kit.  I turned out fun don't you think?  A much better spot than in a random pile to be gone through some day.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Count Your Many Blessing Dresses

Farmer's Dozen - Blessing Dresses
  You have a great piece of antique wood and you don't know what to do with it?  I have the perfect idea!

On a road trip we happened to come across and old abandoned, torn down shack which had some great pieces of wood on it.  The piece we ended up with was about 5 feet long and about 1 1/2 feet wide, probably about 1 1/2 inches thick.  It has several old (antique) square head nails in it.  Perfect fit for a wall in our living room.  To hang the board, Rick made a heavy duty hanger on the back, since it is extremely heavy.
Farmer's Dozen - Antique Wooden Board
We, (meaning Rick), took some antique knobs we found in a store in Seattle named Earthwise Architectural Salvage (This store is a must visit, if you are ever in Seattle!)  We had nine kids at the time and randomly placed the 9 knobs (a knob for each child), so they weren't all placed directly in a row. 
Farmer's Dozen - Antique Knob
In the picture below it is showing the raw edge and, if you look closely, one of the antique square head nails.
Farmer's Dozen - Antique Square Head Nail
I took several branches, shipped to me from Washington, by my sister in law Carol, I am pretty sure my brother in law Duncan prepared them though, as they were perfectly cut in the same length and little branches neatly cut off to a nub.  I took twine and wrapped it around a few times and made a sort of hanger out of them.
Farmer's Dozen - Hanger
Then I placed each of the children's blessing dresses on the hangers and hung them in birth order.
Farmer's Dozen - Blessing Dresses
The first dress was from Brazil, my mother in law (Norma) bought it for me.  My instructions to her were, I wanted cotton, nothing shiny, short and plain.  This fit the requirements perfectly.  The 2nd dress (left to right) was an antique dress we bought the day after the baby was born!  We drove to Seattle, with my hospital bracelet still on, and found this dress at an antique store that is now out of business.  On the way home, Rick was pulled over for speeding but didn't get a ticket with the brand new baby and all!  The blessing was the following day!  (I might have been crazy).  The next 3 dresses were the triplets.  I made them from tablecloths I got at an antique warehouse sale which I had gone to while pregnant with the triplets.  I brought a chair to the sale and often sat down, as I was very pregnant.  I made the dresses after the triplets were born!  They were born in July and I think blessed the beginning of September.  They are identical dresses.  The next dress, #6, was purchased at that same antique warehouse sale.  Dress #7, my sister in law Carol found in Snohomish, WA, at a cute little store.  Then came the first boy, my good friend Karen made this little outfit for the baby, it had a cute little matching hat with it.  The next dress is probably my favorite.  We had moved from Washington to a tiny town in Idaho, so my sister in law Carol, found this antique dress and without me seeing it, she bought it and mailed it to me.  It is so fragile the back ripped when I was buttoning it.  The last outfit I ordered on the Internet.
Farmer's Dozen - Blessing Dresses First and Last
Notice how my tastes changed from the first dress to the last dress...short to long :)
Farmer's Dozen - Blessing Dresses Displayed
Why store these cute little outfits away in a box when they can become part of the decor?  The sign above them reads: "HOME is where your story begins".  I have had these outfits hanging in this spot for over 10 years and they still look great....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Button, Button Who has the Antique Button?

Shabby Farmer - Antique buttons
Do you have some antique buttons that you love, but don't know how to display them?
I love buttons!  They are fun to use in the traditional ways; on clothing, scrapbooking/paper crafting and on hair bows, but what to do with those you want display?  I received some great buttons from my friend Maria, who's dad had a sewing shop.

This is what I decided to do with my antique buttons!

Shabby Farmer - Antique buttons on wire, close-up
I took some wire and started threading the buttons on them.  I then began bending the wire around randomly.  I had a center point and put an equal amount of similar buttons on each side of the center button.  The wire I began with was about 3 feet long. 
Shabby Farmer - Antique buttons on wire
At each end I made a hook of sorts.  I placed it across these two drawers that I don't use much, above the microwave and in a visible spot in the kitchen.  I love red and have red accents in the kitchen.

I did the same thing with the natural colored buttons.  There were some fun antique buttons!
Shabby Farmer - Antique buttons on wire, beige, close-up
I placed these buttons on a tool chest I have in the dining room that is displaying vintage collectibles.
Shabby Farmer - Antique buttons on wire on vintage tool chest
I took the remainder and placed them into two antique canning jars with vintage lids.
Shabby Farmer - Antique buttons in collectible canning jar, close-up

Shabby Farmer - Antique buttons in collectible canning jar
They both are on a low window sill in the dining room.
Shabby Farmer - Antique buttons in collectible canning jar on window ledge
What do you do with your favorite antique buttons?